Gandalphs Library
Spirituality/Belief • Education • Books
The persona of Drunken Gandalph is borne of a passion for research.
Wandering through the byways of the interwebs a pattern emerged. We have been misled in many ways. Gandalph's mission: To uncover the wizardry of the architects of this Matrix. The deception is everywhere,

Lost Scripture-Removed scriptures aka Dead Sea Scrolls
Lost History - Explore the lost history of the US - The Tartarians
Lost Medical - We are Electrical in nature - Find your spark
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Auriga The Celestial Charioteer 1813

AURIGA. EZEKIEL X. 13. As for the Wheels, it was cried unto them, in my hearing, O Wheel! THIS Prophet, as his name imports, was girt with the strength of God. ch. iii. 8. 9. and, like his predecessor, Jeremiah, (ch. i. 18.) had absolute need of such divine strength; especially if we consider the circumstances under which he prophesied, the time, the place, and the people:-they were an obstinate, an unbelieving, and a rebellious generation;-the place was Babylon, and the time was a time of trouble. He was of the tribe of Levi, and of the house of Aaron, of the priestly order by descent; yet he was prevented from exercising the sacred office, by having been. carried into captivity, along with Jehoiachin.
How mysterious is Providence! However, that which may at first sight appear to mortals to be foolishness, weakness, or severity, (1 Cor. i. 25.) will be found in the end to be infinite wisdom, power, and goodness. Although the righteous are often involved in the national ca'amities, which ...


THE dictionarynow offered to the profession is the result ofthe author's endeavor A B toprepare aconcise andyet comprehensive book ofdefinitions ofthe terms,phrases, C andmaxims used in American andEnglish lawand necessaryto be understood by the working lawyer and judge, as well as those important to the student of legal history or comparativejurisprudence. Itdoes not purport tobe anepitome orcompilation of the body of the law. Itdoesnot invade the provinceof the text-books, D nor attempt to supersede the institutional writings. Nor does it trench upon the field of the English dictionary, although vernacular words and phrases, so far as construed by the courts, are not excluded from its pages. Neither is the book encyclopædic in its character. It ischiefly required in adictionary that itshould be E comprehensive. Its value is impaired if any single word that may reasonably be soughtbetween its covers is not found there. But thiscomprehensiveness ispossible (within the compass of ...

Patents and Abridgements 1905-1908

Lost Patents, anyone?
A thousand pages of patents from 1905-1908

The contents of this Abridgment Class may be seen from its Subject-matter Index. The Italic openings prefixed to the abridgments follow the same plans in previous periods and do not in all cases agree with the indexing. For further information as to the classification of the subject matter of inventions, reference should be made to the Abridgment-Class and Index Key (REVISED EDITION, 1910, price 18.,bypost1s.6d), published at the Patent Office,25, Southampton Buildings, ChanceryLane, W.C. It should be borne in mind that the abridgments are merely intended to serve as guides to the Specifications, which must themselves be consulted for the details of any particular invention.
Printed Specifications, price 8d, may be purchased at the Patent Office, or ordered by post, no additional charge being made for postage.
Abridgments are printed in the chronological order of the Specifications to which they ...

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Time Travel
Gandalph - Brandyfoot --- Talk about Time Travel in Movies

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Gandalph - Brandyfoot --- Talk about Inflation 1892 to Now

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LIVE Monday 1-23 3P EST
The WEF and THE LINE, a new housing concept

Monday 1-23-23               3P EST

SHOW NOTES - A glimpse into the FUTURE of the Useless Eaters
          LOOKS Like a large Habitrail to ME (Gandalph)

From the mouth of Wolves in sheeps Clothing

And the WEF says it out loud


Supposed to open in five  years

The end of Fossil Fuel AND freely used transport

Manhattan re imagined as THE LINE concept

DesignBoom says

The MAN knows where you are .. always

If you have a "Private" vehicle, still not truly FREE MOVEMENT

Your PHONE is in the middle of this

An example of a CONTROLLED environment - East Germany post WW2

THIS is the societal corrosion so squelched from review

Yet the music always makes it through


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