Segment one... The Dawning of the age of Aquarius
1st point of confusion by the enemy .. make new a single truth
?? How many friggin calendars?
New Cals, lose WHEN WE ARE
Cannot outrun the celestial calendar.
Enter November eighth
Recap - we made it! (Hopium)
Introduce our guest, A true meaning of Aloha:
Aloha is an essence of being: love, peace, compassion, and a mutual understanding of respect. Aloha means living in harmony with the people and land around you with mercy, sympathy, grace, and kindness. When greeting another person with aloha, there is mutual regard and affection.
Lets Talk Aquarius ..
THIS IS ABOUT a 25K Year Cycle
If you’ve noticed the world seems polarized lately, you are not alone. From politics to climate change and from pandemics to wars, it can feel like the human race is having a really hard time getting along. While these times can leave you feeling destabilized and down, the good news is that the polarization is because we’re going through a transition from one astrological age to the next, and the coming period promises to be one of higher consciousness, compassion, and enlightenment.
What is an Astrological Age?
In broad terms, an astrological age is a period of time-based on the orientation of the Earth’s rotational axis in relation to various constellations. The durations are long, with each age lasting approximately 2,160 years. Beyond the relationship between the Earth and the stars, these ages are important because they point to cultural influences and values, giving us clues about what to expect from future generations.
The twelve astrological ages flow backward through the signs of the zodiac, meaning that we are leaving the Piscean Age and entering the Age of Aquarius. While there is debate about when exactly the Age of Pisces ends and the Age of Aquarius begins, it is widely accepted by the astrological community that we are living through the transition.
The Piscean Age versus the Age of AquariusAstrological ages has different influences, values, attitudes, and beliefs. The Piscean age is characterized by war, machinery, and the understanding that access to information gives you power. This is the age defining the cult of “me,” and with this came a separation both from nature and from each other. Money, power, and control are core values, and the search for meaning went on outside of ourselves. The Piscean Age marks the beginning of modernization.
The Age of Aquarius marks a thirst for change and a profound shift in the consciousness of humanity as we move from “me” to “we.” There will be new paradigms of how people can live together in peace and equality. It is an age of ideas and inspiration, where we tune back into the rhythms of nature and allow the creative consciousness to flow.
The Transition
These transitions can be thought of as waves that slowly build in intensity, with the strongest point at the end of the period. Following this metaphor, the Piscean Age is crashing over us as the Age of Aquarius is just starting to build. The change is not incremental. It is a simultaneous change that can feel intense and destabilizing.
That’s the bad news. But the good news is that we’ve got a lot to look forward to as the Age of Aquarius builds momentum. Here are three key characteristics you can expect from the Aquarian Age.
A Shift From “Me” to “We”
The Piscean Age had a focus on getting our own needs met. It was characterized by a “me first” attitude, where short-term personal fulfillment was prioritized over long-term benefit to the collective. It was a time of materialism and consumerism, and in the Piscean Age, success was measured by material wealth, financial dominance, and lifestyle comfort.
The Aquarian Age ushers in a shift in perspective. The focus moves from “me” to “we” as we begin to deeply understand that we are all connected and that nothing happens in isolation. Each action will be considered both individually and globally. There will be an awareness that each person’s behavior affects the vast networks of other living beings and things. This is an age of paradox: both more individual and more global simultaneously. Watch as individuals influence communities like never before.
More Transparency: The Unknown Will Be Known
The Aquarian Age is a period of transparency. Expect no secrets!
In the Piscean Age, access to information gave you power, and because the information was not easily available, you had the possibility to hide your actions and cloak your behavior. It was easier to get away with things.
In this new age, information is accessible by all, and every person is under audit. Actions can be tracked and traced. Behavior is recorded and shared. Expect no stone to go unturned. Because access to information is available to all, who you are as a human being will matter more and more. What is your character? What are your values? Do you have integrity? Living in alignment with your higher self will become more important than ever before. Access to information is not enough. Neither is knowledge. This age calls for true wisdom.
Expect Massive Change
The Aquarian Age is a time of great complexity as our sense of personal identity and our very foundation shifts. Expect developments in all arenas, including scientific discoveries, technological advancements, and societal shifts. On an individual level, change and learning will be lifelong and constant. Technology will pave the way for massive shifts in lifestyle. The world you entered will not be the same world you leave. From climate change to space travel and from post-pandemic culture to the metaverse, we are entering a whole new world. Change is the name of the game, and those who stay mentally, emotionally, and physically flexible are the ones who will flourish.If you’ve noticed the world seems polarized lately, you are not alone. From politics to climate change and from pandemics to wars, it can feel like the human race is having a really hard time getting along. While these times can leave you feeling destabilized and down, the good news is that the polarization is because we’re going through a transition from one astrological age to the next, and the coming period promises to be one of higher consciousness, compassion, and enlightenment.
What is an Astrological Age?
In broad terms, an astrological age is a period of time-based on the orientation of the Earth’s rotational axis in relation to various constellations. The durations are long, with each age lasting approximately 2,160 years. Beyond the relationship between the Earth and the stars, these ages are important because they point to cultural influences and values, giving us clues about what to expect from future generations.
The twelve astrological ages flow backward through the signs of the zodiac, meaning that we are leaving the Piscean Age and entering the Age of Aquarius. While there is debate about when exactly the Age of Pisces ends and the Age of Aquarius begins, it is widely accepted by the astrological community that we are living through the transition.
The Piscean Age versus the Age of Aquarius
Astrological ages has different influences, values, attitudes, and beliefs. The Piscean age is characterized by war, machinery, and the understanding that access to information gives you power. This is the age defining the cult of “me,” and with this came a separation both from nature and from each other. Money, power, and control are core values, and the search for meaning went on outside of ourselves. The Piscean Age marks the beginning of modernization.
The Age of Aquarius marks a thirst for change and a profound shift in the consciousness of humanity as we move from “me” to “we.” There will be new paradigms of how people can live together in peace and equality. It is an age of ideas and inspiration, where we tune back into the rhythms of nature and allow the creative consciousness to flow.
The Transition
These transitions can be thought of as waves that slowly build in intensity, with the strongest point at the end of the period. Following this metaphor, the Piscean Age is crashing over us as the Age of Aquarius is just starting to build. The change is not incremental. It is a simultaneous change that can feel intense and destabilizing.
That’s the bad news. But the good news is that we’ve got a lot to look forward to as the Age of Aquarius builds momentum. Here are three key characteristics you can expect from the Aquarian Age
A Shift From “Me” to “We”
The Piscean Age had a focus on getting our own needs met. It was characterized by a “me first” attitude, where short-term personal fulfillment was prioritized over long-term benefit to the collective. It was a time of materialism and consumerism, and in the Piscean Age, success was measured by material wealth, financial dominance, and lifestyle comfort.
The Aquarian Age ushers in a shift in perspective. The focus moves from “me” to “we” as we begin to deeply understand that we are all connected and that nothing happens in isolation. Each action will be considered both individually and globally. There will be an awareness that each person’s behavior affects the vast networks of other living beings and things. This is an age of paradox: both more individual and more global simultaneously. Watch as individuals influence communities like never before.
More Transparency: The Unknown Will Be Known
The Aquarian Age is a period of transparency. Expect no secrets!
In the Piscean Age, access to information gave you power, and because information was not easily available, you had the possibility to hide your actions and cloak your behavior. It was easier to get away with things.
In this new age, information is accessible by all, and every person is under audit. Actions can be tracked and traced. Behavior is recorded and shared. Expect no stone to go unturned. Because access to information is available to all, who you are as a human being will matter more and more. What is your character? What are your values? Do you have integrity? Living in alignment with your higher self will become more important than ever before. Access to information is not enough. Neither is knowledge. This age calls for true wisdom.
Expect Massive Change
The Aquarian Age is a time of great complexity as our sense of personal identity and our very foundation shifts. Expect developments in all arenas, including scientific discoveries, technological advancements, and societal shifts. On an individual level, change and learning will be lifelong and constant. Technology will pave the way for massive shifts in lifestyle. The world you entered will not be the same world you leave. From climate change to space travel and from post-pandemic culture to the metaverse, we are entering a whole new world. Change is the name of the game, and those who stay mentally, emotionally, and physically flexible are the ones who will flourish.
From a MAPPING and Celestial Perspective (Show Landing Page Pic)
The planetary conjunction of February 4-5, 1962 also featured a full solar eclipse and a new moon.
An era of time under the influence of the zodiac sign of Aquarius that will last for approximately 2,140 years. The new Aquarian era began with the celestial conjunction of February 4-5, 1962.
On February 4-5, 1962, exactly when there was a new moon AND a full solar eclipse, there was also an extraordinary celestial conjunction of the seven primary planets with the Earth. The Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were all visibly grouped close together, and their orbits were aligned with the Earth. This event signaled a change of era, similar to how the hands of a clock move into a new day.
The Earth had completed an era of approximately 2,140 years under the influence of Pisces, and then entered an era influenced by Aquarius.
When the Age of Aquarius arrived, humanity entered into a very new situation. With the new celestial influence, we saw the arrival of a huge shift in society: mass rebellion against the old ways, sexual experimentation, and giant social earthquakes shaking up all the old traditions. We also saw the arrival in the West of a strong spiritual longing, and a deep thirst for true, authentic spiritual experience.
These two elements:
1) rebellion against tradition
2) thirst for spiritual knowledge
A direct effect of the influence of Aquarius, the most revolutionary sign of the zodiac.
Aquarius is the Water Carrier, whose occult significance is Knowledge, the bringer of Knowledge. With the new age came a sudden revealing of all the hidden knowledge. The doors to the mysteries were thrown open so that humanity can save itself from itself. Of course, the Black Lodge, ever-eager to mislead humanity, has produced so much false spirituality and so many false schools that it is very difficult to find the real and genuine path.
Is the Age of Aquarius real?
The Age of Aquarius isn't part of astronomy. It's an astrological age, which occurs because of a real motion of Earth known as precession. Precession causes the identity of the Pole Star to change over time. The cycle of precession lasts 25,800 years.
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Are we in an Age of Aquarius?
Since 2020, Aquarius has gained momentum as an astrological talking point, with the year's great conjunction in the air sign initiating a heady Saturn in Aquarius saga, and the impending arrival of Pluto in Aquarius in 2023. Cliched wails from Hair ring through the land, harking the dawn of the Age of Aquarius.
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What year will the Age of Aquarius begin?
Rudolf Steiner believed that the Age of Aquarius will arrive in 3573. In Steiner's approach, each age is exactly 2,160 years. Based on this structure, the world has been in the Age of Pisces since 1413.
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When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind's true liberation
When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius
Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in
Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in
Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in
Oh, let it shine, c'mon
Now everybody just sing along
Let the sun shine in
Open up your heart and let it shine on in
When you are lonely, let it shine on
Got to open up your heart and let it shine on in
And when you feel like you've been mistreated
And your friends turn away
Just open your heart, and shine it on in
In the very knowledgeable Aquarian Age the correct answer to the question: ‘Where are we going?’ is ‘No idea’. It’s a cosmic calamity.
In 2022 great thinkers are unable to make sense of what’s going on. Due to the tremendous scope of the phenomena, the forces involved seem to be operating blindly without any intelligent direction. Most of the humankind stands speechless and immobile, texting on its mobile devices, unable to hazard even a feeble guess as to what’s happening and what the outcome will be.
That’s because it knows nothing about astrology and the astrological script that provides the new Aquarian Age civilization with a blueprint for living. Ignorant of astrology humanity is a victim of its own ignorance.
On November 23, 2021, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California carrying NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Mission spacecraft in the world’s first full-scale mission to test technology for defending Earth against potential asteroid or comet hazards. Saturn’s basic safety urge is flying at a very high altitude.
In 2022 five in-sky Mars conjunctions – in quick succession – and six Mars progressions in the Aquarian Age chart are fuelling a major surge in aggression, push-back, conflict, feuding, angry disagreement, war, strife, and killing.
It starts with Mars's conjunctiowith n Pluto on March 3 and ends with Mars conjuwith nction Uranus on August 1. It’s a very dangerous time. There’s an atmosphere of conflict and high tension. War drums are beating. Mars is sending out red alerts. Russia is very dangerous. Taiwan is the most dangerous place on Earth. Events move fast and the chances of the new cold war escalating into a hot war are very high.
In 2022 Earth is burning; gun owners are trigger happy; there’s widespread destruction, death, shooting, and dying; a torrent of vitriol and abuse; an above average number of major accidents and fires; and a surge in construction as Mars builds factories for manufacturing drones, tractors, electric cars, skateboards, sunglasses, DVD’s, microwave ovens and killer robots.
In 2022 women around the world are fighting for their rights. They make up 49.58% of the world’s population and in a culture dominated by male values, some see masculine (Mars) behavior as the key to personal success. Driven by their desire to fit in many imitate their male associates. They drink, behave aggressively, tote guns and get tattoos, quite unaware that the person they’re imitating is a self-ignorant, psychological wreck.
In 2022 there about 61.5 million more males than females!
On July 11, 2022, progressed Mars parallel birth chart Venus in the Aquarian Age chart is at peak power
Gandalph thinks so
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