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Gandalph is borne of a passion for research. After decades of wandering through the byways of the interwebs a pattern emerged, across many topics, web pages and platforms. The “Truth” has become very hard to find. Said simiply - we have been misled in many ways. 

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled”– Mark Twain circa 1906

The question is ..  

Who, Where, When, and WHAT we are. …

Gandalphs mission: To uncover the wizardry of the architects of this Matrix.  The deception is everywhere, let us uncover a new “:truth” learning from the past.

Three main avenues of information may be found here.

History is not what we are told. The BIG LIE is so huge it will challenge you to absorb. Here are a few questions that may be answered:

What if the magnificent civilization of Tartaria was destroyed with the help and planning of inhuman shadowy forces?

What if History taught in schools is a gigantic soap opera fraud, with phantom dynasties, events displaced in time, and thousands of years that did not exist?

What if the “Middle Ages” were actually a Tartarian Golden Age that ended just 100 years ago?

What if the defeat of Great Tartaria was recorded in the official history under the names of “The Fall of Troy”, “The Fall of the Roman Empire”, “Fall of Constantinople”, “Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire”, “Wars for American Independence”, “Collapse of the Qing dynasty” (the early 1900s), “Downfall of the Russian Empire” (1917), “Defeat of Austro-Hungarian Empire” (1918) and “World War I” (1919)?

Medicine, Health and Wellness - EASE into a DIS-ease free lifestyle. Modern medicine is not the only way to live. Embrace the information about medical practices of times past, refreshed for THIS age.

Bioelectronic, or electroceutical, therapies exist to address many conditions. A new wave of electricity-based strategies are expanding to help those challenged with some of the most widespread chronic diseases in our lives, today.

'If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. — ’Nikola Tesla

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Please respect the following community guidelines to maintain an enjoyable environment:

  • Keep conversation respectful, without personal attacks
  • Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be
  • No pornography
  • Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming
  • Relax, be yourself, and enjoy

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